Artist Palette Death Valley

Artist Palette Death Valley

The Artist Palette Death Valley is a technicolor, Kaleidoscopic display of multicolored rocks in Death Valley. The colors are caused by oxidation of different metals over thousands of years. The best times to visit is during sunrise or sunset when the lighting really makes the colors pop. Coming from Badwater Basin, take a one-way road called Artist’s Drive traveling from south to north. There will be plenty of places to pull off and take a snapshot of the scenery. About 10 minutes on Artist Drive we made a quick stop off the side of the road. There was a short trail that led up to a vista point where we had a panoramic view of the mountain side. We decided to run back to the car as quickly as we could, so we didn’t keep the others waiting. I had a blast driving through these windy roads. It felt like I was on a roller coaster ride at Disneyland. And if you had a motorcycle, I would recommend coming here.
